Hi, I’m Suzanne! Let’s create beautiful, responsive websites together.
Crafting stunning, user-friendly designs that look amazing on any device. Ready to turn your ideas into a gorgeous online presence? Let’s build something awesome!
This weather project was crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to deliver real-time updates and a seamless user experience.
By leveraging these core web technologies, the design is both visually appealing and fully responsive, making weather tracking easy and engaging on any device.
This dynamic dictionary project was created using HTML, CSS, and React to provide fast, user-friendly word lookups.
With React’s power, the interface is interactive and responsive, offering seamless performance across all devices. It’s designed to make searching for definitions both efficient and engaging!
This playful Limerick Generator was crafted using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AI to create witty, rhyming poems at the click of a button.
The combination of AI and web technologies ensures a creative and interactive experience, delivering unique limericks with every use. Fast, responsive, and endlessly entertaining!.
During this project, I combined the power of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to create a sleek, responsive design.
Using these tools allowed me to craft a beautiful, user-friendly website that works seamlessly across all devices. It’s amazing how these core technologies bring creative ideas to life on the web!